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Here's some of what's been going on at Modular...

Director Andrew Gregg oversees the "Imagining Canada" session

Video editor Geoff Matheson at the "Imagining Canada" session

Drummer Gary Craig getting ready to lay down some grooves for the "Imagining Canada" session

Guitar-man Neil Chapman preparing to rock the "Imagining Canada" session

Bassist Pat Kilbride covers the low end on the "Imagining Canada" session

Sharon Lee Williams, Lisa Dalbello and Rique Franks learning vocal parts for Rebecca Timmons' upcoming project "Agents of Chaos"

Sharon Lee Williams, Lisa Dalbello and Rique Franks getting set up to record some parts for Rebecca Timmons' "Agents of Chaos"

Mike Duncan works his magic on the board as Rebecca Timmons listens

The whole group listens to the final result of the "Agents of Chaos" backup vocal session.

David Bradstreet played some acoustic guitar licks for Rebecca Timmons' "Agents of Chaos"

Everyone listens back to the result of the acoustic guitar session with David Bradstreet for Rebecca Timmons' "Agents of Chaos"

Steel drum player Tony “Pan Jumbie” Williams at Modular Music recording for the upcoming documentary "Hearts of Steel" directed by Gayle Wilmot.

TSO players on the "Not Criminally Responsible" session. First Violin-Bridget Hunt, Second Violin-Wendy Rose and Viola-Kent Teeple

TSO cellist Marie Gélinas playing on the "Not Criminally Responsible" session

World class harpist Erica Goodman plays on the "We Will Remember Them" sessions

Kevin Breit brings his fabulous slide guitar and banjo talents to the "Underground Railroad" recording

Guitarist extraordinaire Neil Chapman

Drake's producer Noah "40" Shebib drops in to talk gear

Mike Duncan doing his mixing thing

Jay Malinowski of Bedouin Soundclash creates some of the music cues for "The Stonethrower"

"Stonethrower" director Charles Officer checks in while listening to new cues

Audio wiring designer Roger Ginsley of Tekx Electronics performs some delicate brain surgery